Saturday, April 10, 2010

OT: The ABDC5 Finale

I have to admit, I've never really watched MTV's America's Best Dance Crew. To let you know how out of touch I am with this show, I didn't even know that the JabbaWockeeZ were the winners of the first ABDC. I had previously seen them in a music video but just thought it was some costuming for the video, not that it was an actual calling card for an awesome dance crew. I mean it wasn't Slipknot or Mushroomhead odd, but kinda odd for hiphop.

But I digress.

Thanks to MTV2 constantly replaying it on the weekends, I stumbled upon this show and immediately became hooked.

I have watched every episode, impressed by each of the crews (Saltare-represent!) and watched as crews fell away until it was down to Poreotix and Blueprint Cru.


Their performances were always tight and it was obvious that the judges loved them, but sadly, they lost. They made it sound like the votes were running close, but Poreotix managed to get the win.

I really hope that this isn't the last that we see of this crew from Montreal, Canada. The were awesome.

I still think they were robbed!

There. I think I feel better now.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I haven't watched this season at all but I did catch the Jabbawokeez season and they were really good